My third WOD and concerns about the week…

I forgot I didn’t write about my 3rd WOD! Saturday was a glorious day here in Seattle, WA, and we all got a good dose of springtime sun. Everyone seemed refreshed and more energized. We did our warm-up, ran 400meter with medecine balls, while trading with people we passed to learn names (we had to exchange names as we traded med balls). The coaches then proceeded to split up into2 groups. Group 1 learned the deadlift (and I re-learned the deadlift after my lesson with Rory Coyne- a personal trainer in Seattle, WA) and the renegade row. Group 2 learned the wall ball and pull up (strict, no kipping yet ;( which I was sad about).

Our WOD was AMR (as many reps) in 8 minutes of:

5 Renegade rows (10#)

10 Deadlifts (I lifted 85#)

2 minutes rest

AMR in 8 minutes of:

5 Strict Pull-ups (Red and purple bands)

10 Wall balls (14# ball)

I think I got 5 rounds and change of each. Not too bad, but man, am I feeling it! My lower back has been super sore all day and I know this week is going to be tough. One of my co-workers is on his honeymoon, so I have to sub a couple of shifts for him. Not too excited about being sore and trying to work a 45 hour week. That all aside, I am still stoked about going to Crossfit this week and I am glad to have something that motivates me so much in my life right now.

PS Cyberfit gym fitness… I would love to test out/do a review for your purple med ball. ๐Ÿ™‚


Before and After Crossfit Photos

Hey everyone, although I am planning on switching to my own domain, I still want to write as many posts as possible on this blog in the meantime. One of the first things I searched for on google when I became interested in crossfit was before and after photos. I wanted to see the results that crossfit gave people. If you have any great before and after photos, please send them to me! You can email them to

Maybe someday, this will be your after photo! ๐Ÿ˜‰


Is coffee paleo?

This is the first day of the rest of my life. I start crossfit after work tonight, and as I sit here eating my bagel and ‘shmere’ and drinking my coffee, I am realizing that my beloved diet (or lack thereof) may come to a halt very soon. I know I have to scale back on the sugars and carbs, but coffee is a whole other beast. Are coffee beams considered paleo? I sure hope so.

I am planning on taking some before and after photos of my progress to track my improvement, and I am sure diet will be a huge part of my transformation from a sugar-loving lady, to a leanย & mean fighting machine. Here we go.



Getting excited!

Today is my first day of blog writing. I have tried to start up a few other blogs, but I never found the time to write daily about the topics I chose. Photography is only a part time hobby, and my dog could only do so many cute things before I got tired of posting pictures and videos of her. I searched long and hard before I realized what my true passion is; fitness. I have always been a fit person. My parents encouraged me to try sports as a child, but I never found my niche. First there was ballet. I was forced to quit when my instructor (in a round about way) told my best friend she was too heavy to go on pointe. Then, there was gymnastics, which I really loved, but it was too expensive and I didn’t have the time or dedication to work out 10 or more hours per week. I swam off and on, and was somewhat decent at it, and played soccer for a long time after that. In high school, I joined my school’s Marine Corps JROTC program and excelled there. I was a part of their Strength Team, where we competed against other schools doing 2 minutes of push ups, 2 minutes of situps, and a 1 mile run. My team of 5 rocked! We took 1st almost everytime we competed, and won regionals twice. Strength team was where I realized I am a strong girl. I started packing on a bit of muscle, toned up, and instead of becoming proud of how fit my body was, I became ashamed. I assumed that women were supposed to look like what I saw in the magazines, and not what I saw in the mirror. Now, after doing some research in Crossfit, I am realizing that muscles are beautiful. They are not just a sign of masculinity, muscles are for girls too. ๐Ÿ™‚